More on eHealth

eHealth is higher than ever on the EU’s and COCIR’s agendas. Indeed these are exciting times to come for eHealth supporters. Here is a snapshot of some interesting initiatives:


eHealth – a priority of the Swedish Presidency
COCIR congratulates Sweden for making eHealth one the health priorities of its Presidency and we are looking forward to a productive debate on better governance for eHealth. COCIR is confident that the following Presidency - to be held by Spain - will maintain the momentum on eHealth.

DG Enterprise White Paper on ICT standardization
COCIR welcomes DG Enterprise’s White Paper on modernizing ICT standardization and the subsequent consultation. COCIR is preparing an industry response.

DG INFSO consultation on the future of Europe’s information society
DG INFSO launched a consultation to prepare a new strategy for the European information society (2010-2015). COCIR is preparing an industry contribution to the consultation outlining the role and importance of eHealth in Europe’s society.

eHealth at the Open Days
Over the past three years COCIR has been supportive and active during the Open Days through a consortium with DG Sanco and Euregha.

Besides the health consortium programme, COCIR will join forces with HIMSS and Euregha to hold a session on better procurement for eHealth on 7 October from 9 to 10am. For more details about this session (speakers etc..) and to register please contact via Registration must be done prior to 25 September 2009.

COCIR advises the OECD on eHealth
The Health Committee of the OECD is working in collaboration with Member States to adopt common indicators to measure the use and adoption of Health ICT. COCIR has recently joined BIAC (the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD) to strengthen the industry voice towards the OECD. As a result of this new partnership, COCIR jointly with BIAC submitted in July a joint position paper on indicators for international comparison of health ICT adoption and use.

Telemedicine on the rise
Telemedicine is gaining importance on the European political agenda and within COCIR. In March 2009, COCIR launched a dedicated Focus Group on Telemedicine. This activity within COCIR has attracted new company members and thereby expanded our profile in healthcare IT, supported through three strategic industry sectors (healthcare, IT and telecommunications). These new assets will reinforce COCIR's credibility and competencies in the domain of healthcare IT and more particularly in the field of telemedicine.

The Focus Group is currently concentrating in the establishment of a glossary of terms and a compilation of relevant studies demonstrating the effectiveness of telemedicine solutions.