Update on European Partnership on Action against Cancer (EPAAC)

In June 2009, the European Commission adopted its Communication on Action Against Cancer: European Partnership (Opens external link in new windowCOM(2009)291/4) (http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_information/dissemination/diseases/docs/com_2009_291_en.pdf) in response to the growing burden of cancer in Europe and to the inequalities that exist in and between Member States.

In September 2009, the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer (EPAAC) was launched by DG SANCO in collaboration with the EU Member States. This initiative also brought various other stakeholders such as patient organisations, health professionals, scientists, industry and civil society.


This effort is done under a Joint Action for a period of 3 years (2010-2013) with a limited funding mechanism which corresponds to 50% of the total investment, as Member States have been called to contribute for the remaining 50%. More information on the organisation of the Joint Action is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/health/major_chronic_diseases/diseases/cancer/index_en.htm#fragment0


The objective is to tackle cancer more evenly and effectively across the EU and to have integrated cancer plans in all Member States by the end of the Partnership. The ultimate aim is to reduce cancer by 15% by 2020.

Since the beginning, COCIR is fully supporting this action and is formally involved as a collaborating partner as our industry has proven records of gathering competencies and experience based on products and services they have been provided since decades.

The work packages leaders are currently finalising the terms of the Joint Action.

Besides, the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) will organise a two-day summit titled “ECPC Cancer Summit: Making the Cancer Partnership work” on 13 and 14 October 2010 in Brussels. The focus of this conference will be the activities deriving from the EPAAC at European level. It aims to create grass-roots momentum for collaboration of all stakeholders in taking action against cancer in 2011. Registration is open until 15 September at http://www.cancerpartnership.eu/registration. The preliminary programme and latest information on the Summit can be found on the following website: http://www.cancerpartnership.eu.