EU Green Public Procurement


In May 2011 the European Commission launched a project to develop a set of criteria for the Green Public Procurement of Medical Devices. The environmental criteria have been published on the EC website (see below) where similar set of criteria for other product groups are already present, and public administrations could use them in their public tender for purchasing Medical Devices.The project has been assigned to the Swedish Environmental Management Council (SEMCO) that contacted COCIR, asking for cooperation to develop the project.

COCIR took active part in the project to make sure that the developed criteria were solid, realistic and not distorting the market. The resulting document is aligned with the findings of the COCIR Self-Regulatory Initiatives for Medical Imaging Equipment (SRI) so that COCIR Members already part of the SRI already have all the tools to satisfy the demanding criteria on eenrgy efficiency.

Official references:

DG ENVI Website: Green Public Procurement