Conferences and events

In order to spread the knowledge of its Self-regulatory Initiative, the COCIR SRI Steering Committee attends events and conferences focusing on eco-design and eco-innovation.


The 10 th Going Green - CARE INNOVATION 2014 conference took place from November 17-20, 2014 in the Schoenbrunn Palace Conference Center in Vienna, Austria. With a wide range of experts from industry (again more than 60%), academia, NGOs and policy the conference gave valuable insights how the electronics industry, science and policy approach the global challenges of sustainability and climate change. 

COCIR presented its Self-regulatory Initiative methodology as a valuable tool for any industrial sector or group of companies willing to engage in reducing the environmental impact of their products and to monitor and report achievements.

COCIR Paper on the methodology of the Self-Regulatory Initiative on eco-design of medical imaging equipment

COCIR presentation at GOING GREEN 2014


CleanMed Europe is the European conference focused on sustainability in the healthcare sector. This conference was a great venue for sharing sustainability best practices in the healthcare industry and was a forum for forward-thinking and thought provoking discussions. COCIR participated to the conference in partnership with the Swedish Environmental Management Council and the UK Department of Health to present the EU Green Public Procurement Criteria for medical equipment and the contributions of the COCIR SRI.

Presentation of the full GPP session including COCIR slides

COCIR slides